Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
SiGRADE provides customers with support and maintenance for all of its proprietary packages and implemented systems, checking for their integrity and efficiency, ensuring problem solving and upgrade.
The company can also manage and develop third-party solutions, which have already been adopted and integrated into the information system.
SiGRADE provides phone and/or on-line help-desk, with specialist assistance through a multi-level help-desk service that includes performance monitoring, technical upgrade, prior and reactive maintenance, system development and evolution. Assistance can consist of on-site and/or remote interventions.
SiGRADE professional team can integrate proprietary solutions with other products, regardless they are legacy or third-parties’, already existing or planned. Moreover, SiGRADE can also connect and integrate any kind of third-parties’ software solutions into any environment. System integration service covers up to the implementation of physical ICT infrastructures such as Intranet, Extranet, point-to-point connection, etc.