Compliance 231


The Italian Government has recently introduced a new regulation regarding the legal responsibility of a business Company towards an action undertaken by members of that Company. Every Company must in any case prevent illegal activities, by changing both Organization and control systems. Guidelines and recommendations have been issued by regulatory Associations (ABI, ANIA, Confindustria). In respect to those guidelines, CEDACRI Group has recently adopted the “Organisational Model 231”, consisting of a set of rules and purposes, in order to prevent breaches of the law caused by any of the CEDACRI Group’s Companies or any person in those Companies.

CEDACRI Modello 231, Parte Generale e Parti Speciali (PDF) SiGRADE Modello 231, Parte Generale e Parti Speciali (PDF)


Anyone who becomes aware of violations:

  • the principles of the Model and/or the operating procedures that make up the Model or in general of the internal control and risk management system;
  • to the principles of the Code of Ethics

must promptly report them via the digital reporting channel or through the other channels indicated in the procedure for the use and management of the violation reporting system available at the following link


The ethical code adopted by Cedacri Group includes the entirety of behaviour principles that the Group’s companies must respect in front of all stakeholders. The code states the policies to be followed, identifying responsibilities and consequences in case of breach. The ethical code shapes the organizational model and all internal procedures of Cedacri Group’s companies.

Codice Etico (PDF)