Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
Descrizione banche? Da togliere?
SiRECLAMI is the SiGRADE answer for the management of the claim or demand that can arrive to the intermediaries. This application allows to track all the information connected to claims, to generate detailed reports about the organized claims and to perform dynamic and customized data extractions.
Main Functions
SiRECLAMI is designed in order to be used both by single intermediaries, and Bank Groups and allows to:
• Organize the whole life-cycle of a single practice
• File in electronic format all the connected records
• Track all the interested company structure involved with the claim management
• Categorize a practice according to the intermediaries’ preference
• Constantly check the status of work of every single practice
• Monitor the overall situation of the current practices, even regarding specific due dates and execution times
• Make reports for the Company Supervision
• Highlight requests coming from external authorities (Bank of Italy, Arbitro per le Controversie Finanziarie, Arbitro Bancario Finanziario, etc.)
SiRECLAMI has been developed in order to support data acquisition by using windows that help the user making possible a higher quality of the examined data
This application doesn’t need any previous installation and is accessible by using a basic browser
This application has a dynamic interface: the structure of the menu and the list of commands available for the users can be setup dynamically in regard to the profile associated to a particular workgroup
Expected benefits
• Reduction of claim reaction time
• Highlight of soft-complaints in order to avoid, when possible, a claim
• Allow the Company Supervising Structure to constantly monitor the levels of criticality to point out areae of production process enhancement
• Make the process cost-effective through the analysis of KPI